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5 Reasons to See a Knee Doctor

Your knee is one of the largest weight-bearing joints in the body. It is supported by an intricate network of ligaments and tendons as well as shock-absorbing cartilage. If any one of these structures isn’t functioning as it is...read more

Health Tips

How Healthy Are You? (Men’s Health Month)

With June being Men’s Health Month, the focus is on encouraging men to live healthier, happier lives. So, Men – How healthy are you? To a large extent, the condition of your bones and joints determines your level of...read more

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What to Expect at Home After Cartilage Transplant Surgery

Cartilage allows a joint to glide smoothly and acts as a cushion between bony structures. Sports injuries can take a toll on the body’s cartilage, especially in high impact sports, like football. As we age, our cartilage is susceptible...read more

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3 Benefits of PRP Therapy for Athletes

Athletes today experience a tremendous amount of pressure to perform at the highest level, which can result in a severe injury. Athletes now have the ability to recover from injury quickly and safely, using PRP therapy. Platelet-rich plasma or...read more

Knee Conditions

Knee Arthroscopy: Questions to Ask Before Surgery

Knee arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that allows your surgeon to look inside the knee, identify an underlying problem, and treat it using special instruments through a tiny incision about the size of a keyhole with minimum disruption...read more

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Repairing Your Knee With Subchondroplasty

Knee pain is probably one of the most common reasons to visit an orthopedic doctor. The knee is not just a simple hinge joint; it also allows for some degree of twisting and rotatory motion. To perform such complex...read more